T. Raymond Pierce

T. Raymond Pierce, Chi, 1898, Phi Alpha 1945-1947

T. Raymond Pierce, Chi, 1898, Phi Alpha 1945-1947, began his business career as a business reporter and editor at Boston Commercial and three other financial journals. He then entered the finance world as a security analyst and later partner at Edmunds Brothers. Subsequently, he joined Gair & Company as a director and vice president for more than 30 years. He also had a long tenure with Wellesley Co-operative Bank, beginning as a director in 1912 and ending as president on his death in 1958.

Pierce was a long-time benefactor of Colby College and Zeta Psi. In fact, when Colby
College abolished fraternities on campus, the Zete House was converted into a student residence and renamed the Pierce House. On its website, the college “acknowledges Pierce as the largest benefactor” of the Chi chapter of Zeta Psi. Pierce served on the
college’s Board of Trustees and was named a Life Trustee in 1935. In 1949, he retired from the Board “so younger individuals would have the opportunity to serve.” Pierce was the president of the Boston and New York Colby Alumni Associations.

During his tenure as Phi Alpha, the fraternity chartered two new chapters in 1947 at Northwestern University (Omega) and the University of Western Ontario (Theta Phi).

Pierce also made lasting Zeta Psi history by writing the song “In Tau Kappa Phi” which
lives today in the Zeta Psi songbook.