Charles H. Ketcham

Charles H. Ketcham, Alpha, 1896, Phi Alpha 1924-1925

Charles H. Ketcham, Alpha, 1896,  was a prominent attorney in
New York. After graduating from Columbia, he received his law degree from New York
Law School and was admitted to the bar in 1897.

Brother Ketcham was involved with the Elder Association of the Alpha (Columbia)
chapter and Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America, Inc. throughout his life. He was part
of the committee of Elders who established the Zeta Psi Realty Company in 1922. The
group then bought, financed and equipped the brownstone at 31 East 39th Street to
revive the Zeta Psi Club of New York with more than 800 members and house the
offices of the fraternity’s central office. The cost of the building was $93,000 with an
additional $20,000 spent on improvements.

As Phi Alpha, Brother Ketcham had the honor to be involved in two historical events for
the Fraternity. First, he was able to fly to Los Angeles and participate in the chartering
of the Sigma Zeta chapter of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) on
September 5, 1924. Then, about five weeks later, he was able to attend and speak at
the laying of the cornerstone of the memorial McGill chapter house on October 24,

Brother Ketcham was also very active in the Masons Fraternity. He was secretary of
the following lodges: Island chapter, No. 21, Royal Arch Masons; Monroe Council, No.
2, Royal & Select Masters; Baron Commandery No. 8, Knights Templar; Palm Lodge of
Perfection, No. 10; Southern Cross Council, Knights of Rose Croix and Alpha Council,
No. 8, Knights Kadosh.