Samuel Marsh

Samuel Marsh, Phi and Theta (Union College) 1867, Phi Alpha 1869-1870

Samuel Marsh, Phi and Theta (Union) 1867, was a prominent attorney,
newspaper trustee and public official.

Brother Marsh attended New York University from 1863-1866 and graduated from Union College and the Theta chapter in 1867. He received his law degree from Washington and Lee in 1890.

Besides practicing law and being a regular contributor to the press, Brother Marsh was
the President of the Veterinary College of New York City, 1874-1885; a trustee and
secretary of the New York Evening Express, 1876-1877 and assistant Corporation
Counsel for the city of New York, 1876-1877.

Marsh was president of the Union College Alumni Association in 1884. He was active in
Zeta Psi throughout his life and advanced the cost of publishing the Zeta Psi Catalogue (of Members) of 1867, the expense of which he later contributed to the Fraternity.