Patrick M. Carney

Patrick Carney, Phi Lambda, 76

Privileged to be Phi Alpha CXXII of Zeta Psi Fraternity and President of the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, Patrick Michael Carney was initiated into the mystic Brotherhood in
January 1973 at the Phi Lambda Chapter at the University of Washington in Seattle.  Within the chapter, Patrick served as Rush Chairman, Social Chairman and Phi.  In 1975, he was selected as the first Undergraduate Representative to the Executive Committee.

Two years later, he became Delta Alpha and served as Editor of The Circle for seven years.  In the 80s, he held the offices of Sigma Alpha, Gamma Alpha and was installed as Phi Alpha in 1991 at the International Convention in Philadelphia.  Patrick gave his farewell address at the Toronto Yacht Club in 1993, and retired from the Executive Committee in 1997.  As Phi Alpha, Patrick made the undergraduate experience the focus of his term.  He created the Phi Alpha Award, given
annually to the top undergraduates in the Fraternity.  He also designed the Phi Alpha medallion,worn ever since by those honored with the highest office. Patrick received Zeta Psi’s
Distinguished Service Award in 2006 at the International Convention in Philadelphia.

Outside of Zeta Psi, Patrick devoted significant time to the charity work of the Sovereign Military
Order of the Temple of Jerusalem.  Invested in 1997 in San Francisco by Past Phi Alpha Adm.
James Carey, he became Prior of the Priory of St. Matthew in Texas, serving two terms of office
beginning in 2007.  In 2010, he became Grand Treasurer, and in 2012, chaired the 50th Grand
Convent of the Order in San Antonio.  In 2016, he was installed as Grand Prior XX of SMOTJ in
Savannah and served through 2018.  He now holds the office of Treasurer General within the
international organization of the Knights Templar, OSMTH.  Supporting the chief missions of the
Templars, Patrick has sponsored three Christian students in the Holy Land to receive higher

Professionally, Patrick is a Vice President and Certified Financial Planner for Ameriprise
Financial in San Antonio, helping 150 families achieve their long-term financial goals. He
graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Washington in 1976
and earned an MBA from Columbia University in the City of New York in 1981. He is divorced
and has three adult children, and one grandson.