Roy A. Foulke, Jr.

Roy A. Foulke, Jr., Lambda, 1950, Mu, 1952

Roy A. Foulke, Jr., Lambda 1950, Mu 1952, Phi Alpha 1978-1980, was a second
generation Zete who graduated from Bowdoin with honors and received his MBA at

Brother Foulke was a World War II veteran who had a long and well-recognized career
on Wall Street as a financial advisor with a number of major investment houses.
Brother Foulke, following the lead of his father, was a Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of Economic Research (AIER) and endowed the annual AIER Roy A. Foulke, Jr. Graduate Scholarships, which continue to this day.

Brother Foulke was the long-time Gamma Alpha and served as Phi Alpha in 1978-1980.
During his tenure as Phi Alpha, Zeta Psi chartered the Rho Alpha chapter at MIT and
the Iota Alpha chapter at the University of Texas. Brother Foulke received the
fraternity’s Distinguished Service Award in 1973 and was one of the founding members
of the Zeta Psi Heritage Society.

Roy A. Foulke, Lambda, 1919

Roy A. Foulke. Lambda 1919, graduated from Bowdoin College cum laude and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa during his junior year.

Brother Foulke had a long and distinguished career on Wall Street as a financial analyst.  He worked for Dun & Bradstreet for forty years retiring in 1961 as a Vice President and Director.  He wrote five books on business and finance and developed the method for comparing companies in the same line of business.  Named Norms and Ratios, the method remains in wide use today.

Brother Foulke was a stalwart of Zeta Psi being the prime mover in the establishment of the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation and making a significant contribution to the Foundation on his passing.