Peter B. Pakradooni
Peter B. Pakradooni, Sigma, 1961, Phi Alpha 1974-1976

Peter B. Pakradooni, Sigma, 1961, was a powerful stalwart for many years of Zeta Psi and the Sigma chapter at the University of Pennsylvania.
He was a great cook, photographer, fisherman, trap shooter, magician, woodworker, raconteur, and pilot. At the age of 20, he successfully crash landed a Piper Comanche at the North Philadelphia Airport, with a couple and their child aboard when their landing gear malfunctioned.
Brother Pakradooni served in the United States Army in Army Intelligence as a First
Lieutenant. After the Army, Peter worked in the printing industry, first for International
Printing, followed by Packard Press and Smith Edwards Dunlap till his death in 2015.
As a fraternity leader, Brother Pakradooni was an advisor to the Sigma chapter and
President and officer of the Philadelphia Association of Zeta Psi for 45 years. He was
President of the Interfraternity Council at Penn from 1981-1996. For his service, the
University presented him with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Service
and Dedication to Greek Life. He also received Zeta Psi’s Distinguished Service Award
(1976) and James G. McLaughlin Interfraternity Award (2006).

During his tenure as Phi Alpha, Zeta Psi had one of its most productive expansion time periods with the chartering of four chapters in two years: Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (1975), University of Massachusetts (1975), University of Maryland (1976) and
Worchester Polytechnic Institute (1976).