David L. Sims
David Sims is a third generation Sigma Zete , class of 1976 at the University of Pennsylvania. His father was class of 1940 and grandfather was class of 1912. Dave served as Treasurer, Steward, Rush Co- Chair, Vice President and President while an active. He played for Penn Squash all 4 years with fellow Sigma brothers, including the 1974 National Championship. Lettering in Squash in 1975.
Has served on the Board of the Philadelphia Association of Zeta Psi (alongside Phi brother Greg McElroy) since 1991, serving as Secretary, Vice-President and President.
He served on the Board of the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation and Fraternity from 1993 until 2005, serving as Secretary, Vice President and President Dave was Phi Alpha
CXXXIX during the 2004-2005 academic year.
Professionally Dave has been a sales representative for Designtex since 1988. He and his wife Debby live in Wayne, Pa. They have three adult sons who now reside in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and West Virginia.