Notable Zetes
For over 170 years, Zeta Psi has scaffolded our undergraduate brothers to be better leaders in their careers, communities, and in service to all humankind. We have been fortunate to have played a role in countless inspirational men’s lives throughout the years. Here is a list of some Zetes who have powerfully impacted the world.
You can find more photos and information about Zetes here on our new digital museum page.

Johnson, William A.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1862–1863
Chapter: Kappa, 1860
DOD: June 23, 1839 - March 13, 1864

Joost, Stephen
Achievements: Founding Partner and Board Member of Firehouse Subs, Former President of Jacksonville (FL) City Council
Chapter: Beta Tau, 1984

Junker, Ph.D., Andrew
Achievements: Founder Brain Actuated Technologies Inc. (BAT). Project Brainfingers Transforms brain and body electrical potentials from the forehead into hands-free computer controls which can be customized to each individual's needs. Brainfingers can give a voice to people who are non-verbal or who have limited expressive language, and may be appropriate for individuals with severe and multiple disabilities.
Chapter: Theta, 1965

Kaehler, Robert J. “Bob”
Achievements: Men's Olympic Rower at the 1996 and 2000 Summer Games. He is the most successful U.S. male heavyweight rower at the world championships level with his four world titles, including a three-straight streak (1997–1999). For his wins and contributions to the sport of U.S. rowing, Kaehler was inducted into the Rowing Hall of Fame in March 2012
Chapter: Delta, 1986

Kalthoff, F. Robert
Achievements: Author, the Blog "F. Robert’s World"
Chapter: Alpha Epsilon, 1953
DOD: January 21, 2012

Kennedy, Timothy R. “Tim”
Achievements: Zeta Psi Educational Foundation Executive Director (2005-2006)
Chapter: Eta, 1981

Kinsey, Dr. Alfred
Achievements: Founder, Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction. Author, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), and co-author of Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America (1943) (original draft written in 1920).
Chapter: Lambda
DOD: June 23, 1894 - August 25, 1956

Kinsey, J. Ingham
Term: Phi Alpha from 1935-1936
Chapter: Tau, 1902
DOD: 1882 - September 1936

Kirby, Fred M.
Achievements: Former Chairman and CEO, Allegheny Corp. 1998 Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award honoree. 1986 recipient of the International Swimming Hall of Fame's Gold Medallion.
Chapter: Tau, 1942
DOD: February 8, 2011

Kirby, Jefferson
Achievements: Chairman, Allegheny Corp.
Chapter: Tau, 1984

Kirby, S. Dillard
Achievements: President, Kirby Foundation
Chapter: Tau, 1981

Kirkland, Alfred D.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1970–1971, Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 1971. 1952 Stanford Football team captain, a Defensive Tackle, he was the glue of the “How Boys,” Stanford’s unlikely participant in the 1952 Rose Bowl game.
Chapter: Mu , 1952
DOD: July 27, 1930-August 30, 2012

Kirkpatrick, Andrew
Term: Phi Alpha from 1880–1881
Chapter: Delta/Theta (Union College) 1863
DOD: October 8, 1844 – May 3, 1904

Knowland, William
Achievements: US Senator - California (August 26, 1945 – January 3, 1959)
Chapter: Iota
DOD: (June 26, 1908 – February 23, 1974)

Lambert, Jonathan L.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1866–1867
Chapter: Xi, 1865
DOD: September 25, 1905

Lancey, PFC Robert Douglas
Achievements: A member of the 653rd Engineer Topographic Battalion, Company “A,” 10th Engineer District, where he received instruction for surveying, cartography, and printing. The 653rd eventually produced and delivered a staggering 9,948,000 maps and related navigation sheets including target maps for the 14th Air Force, the Royal Air Force, XX Bomber Command and the Eastern Air Command.
Chapter: Gamma, 1942
DOD: January 28, 1944

Landreth, Symington P.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1961-1962. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 1964.
Chapter: Sigma, 1929
DOD: 1908 - May 14, 1973

Leacock, Stephen
Achievements: Political Writer and Humorist; namesake of The Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal of Humour 1937 Winner of the Lorne Pierce Medal. Which is awarded every two years by the Royal Society of Canada to recognize achievement of special significance and conspicuous merit in imaginative or critical literature written in either English or French.
Chapter: Theta Xi
DOD: 30 December 1869 – 28 March 1944

Lee, John S.
Achievements: 14th President of the Zeta Psi Foundation of Canada (2020- 2023)
Chapter: Alpha Theta, 2007

Levin, Neil D.
Achievements: NY State Superintendent of Banks 1995, NY State Superintendent of Insurance 1997, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2001
Chapter: Tau, 1976
DOD: September 16, 1954-September 11, 2001

Lewis, Jr. , Kelly R.
Achievements: Former Pennsylvania State Legislator and Author of , "Rheingold: Born Fatima"
Chapter: Pi Kappa, 1986

Littell, Daren R.
Achievements: James J. Carey Leadership Award (2008)
Chapter: Phi Lambda, 2006

Ljunglin, James J.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1989–1991. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 1993. James J. Carey Leadership Award 2010. Member of The Worthy. Henry Elliot Volunteer of the Year Award 2013
Chapter: Pi, 1957

Lowenstein, Alexander
Achievements: Alexander Lowenstein was among the 270 victims of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988. He was one of the 35 Syracuse University students traveling home after a semester abroad. Alexander was an English major, but hoped to pursue a degree in clinical psychology so he could work in a psychiatric clinic after he graduated. Alexander's mother, Suse Lowenstein, is a sculptor who created "Dark Elegy," a memorial art work which is dedicated with deep love to all victims of terrorism.
Chapter: Gamma, 1989
DOD: December 21, 1988

Lydecker, Chester A.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1942-1943. Zeta Psi General Secretary (1919-1923).
Chapter: Alpha, 1914
DOD: July 29, 1889 - January 9, 1974