Notable Zetes
For over 170 years, Zeta Psi has scaffolded our undergraduate brothers to be better leaders in their careers, communities, and in service to all humankind. We have been fortunate to have played a role in countless inspirational men’s lives throughout the years. Here is a list of some Zetes who have powerfully impacted the world.
You can find more photos and information about Zetes here on our new digital museum page.

Allen, Waldo, M.
Achievements: Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Honoree, 1982
Chapter: Eta, 1916
DOD: 2/17/1893 - 9/19/1982.

Amegadjie, Kiran
Achievements: Red Grange Athlete of the Year honoree (Football) 2024
Chapter: Eta, 2024

Armstrong, George S.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1937-1938. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award Honoree (1960).
Chapter: Phi, 1908
DOD: 1886 (approx.) - September 12, 1962

Arnold, Christopher
Achievements: 2022 Douglas P. Donaldson Young Alumni of the Year honoree. Member of the Worthy.
Chapter: Theta Eta, 2011

Ball, Jeffrey R. A.
Achievements: Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award (2014)
Chapter: Theta Xi, 1979

Barton, Arthur, L.
Achievements: Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award Honoree, 1958
Chapter: Delta 1915 and Alpha Epsilon 1920
DOD: August, 18, 1893 - ?

Birchfield, John
Achievements: James H. McLaughlin Interfraternity Service Award (1994). Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award (1997). The Circle of Zeta Psi Editor. Namesake of the John Birchfield Communications Award.
Chapter: Phi, 1949

Bowers, D. Stuart
Term: Phi Alpha # CXXXVII from 2018-2020 Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 2019
Chapter: Phi Epsilon, 1981

Brady, Hugh P.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1948-1949. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award Honoree, 1960.
Chapter: Eta, 1914
DOD: February 19, 1891-April 13, 1982

Brickman, Theodore “Dick”
Achievements: Distinguished Service Award Honoree, 2021
Chapter: Alpha Epsilon, 1951

Brooks, William
Achievements: 2023 James J. Carey Leadership Award Honoree
Chapter: Delta Chi, 1999

Bruce, Louis R. “Louie”
Term: Phi Alpha from 1962-1964. The Circle of Zeta Psi Editor (1965-1969), Executive Secretary of Zeta Psi (January 1, 1966-1969). Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 1969.
Chapter: Gamma, 1930
DOD: May 20, 1989

Buck, William C. “Bill”
Achievements: Executive VP, TDH Holdings, Inc.; Part-Owner, Philadelphia Phillies. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award (1988), Red Grange Sportsman of the Year Award (2014)
Chapter: Tau, 1950
DOD: March 29, 2023

Busacca, David W.
Term: Phi Alpha from 2008-2010. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 2013. Zeta Psi Educational Foundation President (2018-2020)
Chapter: Tau Delta, 1973

Busteed, Robert T. “Bob”
Achievements: Zeta Psi Interim Executive Director (2000). Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award, 2007
Chapter: Omicron, 1960

Butcher III, Howard
Achievements: Distinguished Service Award given November 1986 at a Banquet at Philadelphia's Union League Club.
Chapter: Sigma, 1923

Canavan, Kevin
Achievements: James J. Carey Leadership Award (2017)
Chapter: Tau, 1976
DOD: October 25, 2023

Carey, James J.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1995-1997. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 2001. James H. McLaughlin Interfraternity Service Award 1998. Namesake and Inaugural James J. Carey Leadership Award 2007
Chapter: Omega, 1960

Carlborg, Herbert A.
Achievements: Zeta Psi Fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha and Zeta Psi Educational Foundation Vice President (1959-1960). Zeta Psi Executive Secretary (January, 1970 - August 1972). Zeta Psi Director of Alumni Affairs (1972-1987). Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award (1973)
Chapter: Alpha Beta, 1922
DOD: October 15, 1989

Carney, Patrick M.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1991–1993. Distinguished Service Award 2006. Member of The Worthy.
Chapter: Phi Lambda, 1976

Cass, Ronald Jay
Term: Phi Alpha #CXXXVIII from 2020-2022 Distinguished Service Award Honoree 2024
Chapter: Nu, 1984

Chapin, Samuel, A.
Achievements: Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award Honoree, 1956
Chapter: Iota, 1878
DOD: July 24, 1858 - May 13, 1959

Comstock, William A.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1908–1909. The Comstock Trophy is named in his honor. "The Vision of Bill Comstock" is known as his desire to unite all the chapters through the publication of a newsletter known as "The Circle," which he first published in 1909. Awarded the Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award Posthumously, in 1958.
Chapter: Xi, 1899
DOD: July 2, 1877 – June 16, 1949

Cowell de Gruchy, William
Achievements: James J. Carey Leadership Award, 2018
Chapter: Iota Omicron, 2009

Dice, Cael
Achievements: Red Grange Athlete of the Year honoree 2024 (Swimming)
Chapter: Omicron, 2024

Dick, Edison W.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1976–1978. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 1980.
Chapter: Eta, 1959

Donaldson, Douglas P.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1993-1995. Inaugural Henry Elliot Volunteer of the Year 2001. Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award 2003. Namesake of the Douglas P. Donaldson Young Alumni of the Year Award. Member of The Worthy. James J. Carey Leadership Award 2009
Chapter: Theta, 1972

Dorr, John V. N.
Term: Phi Alpha from 1930–1931. First President of the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation (1947). Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Award (1957).
Chapter: Delta, 1894
DOD: 1962

Duryee, William Rankin
Achievements: Zeta Psi Distinguished Service Honoree, 1985. Namesake of the William R. Duryee Award for Academic Achievement. Pioneer in cancer treatment.
Chapter: Eta, 1927
DOD: November 11, 1905 - December 19, 2000

Edgmon, Robert
Achievements: 2020 James McLaughlin Interfraternal Award Honoree. 2023 James J. Carey Leadership Award Honoree
Chapter: Iota Alpha, 1988