Ron Cass, Most Worthy Phi Alpha CXXXVIII
Greetings! Salut! I hope this letter finds you and yours safe and healthy.
I write to you during these challenging times with the message that Zeta Psi has faced adversity in the past and responded successfully. We are doing so again today.
COVID-19 and the other pressures of the day are opportunities for Zeta Psi to discard what we don’t need, to change and improve, and adopt the lessons learned from this past year.

Your IHQ staff and board members are making changes in response to the current pandemic. Last year, our staff authorized undergraduate chapters to initiate new members outside of their respective ritual rooms. Our Ritual Committee has also worked with our staff to incorporate remote and socially distant aspects to our rituals. One of the bright spots during our recent virtual convention was the participation of brothers who would not have been able to travel to Seattle. Staff and leadership are working to incorporate lessons learned from this experience into our future convention plans.
Our new Undergraduate Council is now represented in our executive committees to ensure that leadership is aware of how our actions affect our undergraduate members and to make sure that they reflect the culture in which we currently live. Undergraduates, these brothers are your voice. They will help Zeta Psi develop and learn how to further manage ourselves in a healthy way. Work with them so that we can all achieve the goal of making the Zeta Psi undergraduate experience the best it can be.
In this time of challenge and change, there are many opportunities for all Zetes to contribute and I am calling on all of you to find ways to advance our cause.
Actives, recruit strong pledge classes. Keep meeting virtually. Support your brothers academically and emotionally through the pressures of the day. Show leadership on both your physical and virtual campuses. Remain active in the community by supporting philanthropic causes. Our staff is here to support you as you respond to these challenges.
Elders, support your undergraduate brothers during this uniquely challenging time. Keep mentoring our newer elders and help them find professional opportunities. Reach out to me, the staff or any committee member and inquire as to how you can serve the above-mentioned committees. As my immediate Phi Alpha predecessor has suggested, reach out to your fellow Zetes so that they may benefit from hearing your caring voice.
Zeta Psi has grown and been sustained by the efforts of thousands of brothers who came before us. Now is our time to carry the torch high, so that future brothers can enjoy the spirit of Tau Kappa Phi.
I have faith that with our efforts, Zeta Psi will emerge from this pandemic stronger than before.
I wish you all the best in Tau Kappa Phi.
Ron Cass, Phi Alpha CXXXVIII