Now and Forever Campaign

Explore the campaign Presentation

Measure Your Impact

The two calculators below are provided to help visualize the impact your potential contribution to the campaign can have on deserving students over the 5-year campaign. Start with an annual or monthly contribution and the calculator will show how many Educational Scholarships your donation will fund (based on the median scholarship amount, $500).

Annual Donation Calculator

Annual Donation (USD)

Monthly Donation Calculator

Monthly Donation (USD)

How to start a fund

A Chapter can establish a fund (almost 40 already have one) to support local chapter initiatives. The financial requirement to start a fund is $25,000, however, this amount can be contributed to by multiple members over a period of time as necessary to meet the requirement.

Once established, Chapter Designated Funds are professionally managed as part of the Educational Foundation’s investment portfolio and can be used for educational purposes, including scholarships, member education, and other educational grants. As the fund is within the Educational Foundation (a 501(c)3 charitable organization), donations to the fund should be eligible for an employer corporate match where offered. There is a 1% administrative fee applied to all funds to offset costs incurred by Zeta Psi.

If you are interested in starting a fund, please reach out to Barth Gillan, Chief Development Officer (

Other ways to give

Donor Advised Funds

If you have a Donor Advised Fund created (with your broker or a community foundation) you can make gifts to the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation (EIN 13-1832953). Checks can be mailed to Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, 465 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 421, Waltham, MA, 02452. For more information on how your Donor Advised Fund can electronically transfer funds, please contact Barth Gillan, Chief Development Officer (


If you have appreciated securities/mutual funds in your portfolio, you can donate these to the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation and avoid have to pay capital gains tax on the transfer, as you are donating to a charitable organization. For more information on how to donate securities or mutual funds, please contact Barth Gillan, Chief Development Officer (

Check Donations

Yes, we still accept checks in the mail. To donate via check, please make your check payable to “Zeta Psi Educational Foundation” or “Zeta Psi Fraternity”, depending on which organization you wish to support. If you have any special instructions (i.e. supporting a chapter designated fund) please indicate this on the Notes line. Check can be mailed to Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, 465 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 421, Waltham, MA, 02452.


If you own Cryptocurrency, you can donate some to the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation and avoid having to pay capital gains tax on the transfer as you are donating to a charitable organization. For information on how to donate crypto currency, please visit and select Zeta Psi Educational Foundation from the drop-down menu.


If you are interested in donating through any other method, please get in touch with Barth Gillan, Chief Development Officer (

Get In touch

We would love to start a conversation to provide more information or discuss your potential contribution to the campaign further. To get in touch, please email Barth Gillan, Fundraising Consultant ( or use the Contact Us form.

Thank you for your consideration and dedication to bettering the lives and experiences of Zetes around the world.

The Now and Forever Campaign is an effort led by our volunteers.

Donate to the Campaign – Quick links

If you’re ready to donate to the campaign online now, please use the links below or visit the How You Can Help section of the presentation above.