1847 Pledge Results!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s 1847 Pledge! We’re so thankful to have connected with over 600 brothers during these uncertain times. This year, brothers from 63 chapters showed tremendous leadership in coming together for this annual competition. Through your participation and support, $39,708 was raised throughout the week in support of Zeta Psi. There was some fierce competition throughout the week, and this year’s results did include an unprecedented twist.
This year, we’re excited to award the 1847 Pledge Championship Belt to both the Phi Epsilon (University of Maryland) and Pi Tau (WPI) chapters. These chapters finished the week with exactly 94 participants each! Congratulations to the champions in our other categories as well:
- Top American Chapter – Rho Alpha (MIT) – 33 Participants
- Top Canadian Chapter – Alpha Theta Chapter (Wilfred Laurier/Waterloo) – 54 Participants
- Top European Chapter – Psi Omicron Chapter (University of Paris) – 15 Participants
- Top Young Chapter – Gamma Psi Chapter (University of Guelph) – 20 Participants
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this year’s 1847 Pledge! Though the competition has ended, contributions in support of Zeta Psi can still be made:
Participate in the 1847 Pledge Today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 1847 Pledge Challenge?
The 1847 Pledge Challenge is a campaign to get as many Zetes as possible to show their pride in Zeta Psi by making a nominal donation of $18.47. It was started in 2017 to help celebrate the 170thanniversary of the founding of Zeta Psi, and has been popular with Brothers since then.
With a global pandemic occurring, why now?
With campuses operating remotely and people being isolated at home with no physical contact, we need an opportunity to rally behind a cause, as a brotherhood, now more than ever.
It looks like fundraising, isn’t that only for Elders?
This challenge is for all Zetes. The suggested participation amount is $18.47, something that any undergraduate or elder can afford, but our goal is to rally our brotherhood.
Why is the campaign launching on March 27th?
March 27, 1879 was the date that Zeta Psi chartered the Theta Xi Chapter at the University of Toronto, making Zeta Psi the FIRST international fraternity. Whether you are an American, a Canadian, or a European Brother, this ground-breaking effort to go international is a point of pride for all of us.
What if I cannot participate on March 27th?
The 1847 Pledge Challenge will launch on March 27th, but it will be lasting for one week, ending at midnight on Thursday, April 2nd.
Why $18.47?
If you have to ask……see the first bullet.
Must I give $18.47?
No. $18.47 is a suggested amount. In the past, some people have given the amount equivalent to their Chapter’s founding year instead. Some people have given a round amount (i.e. $20, $50, etc.). Some Elders have given $1/year for every year of existence (this year, that would be $172). There is no right or wrong answer – the key is to participate.
What will the money be used for?
The 1847 Pledge is a fundraising initiative for Zeta Psi Fraternity, and will help support the day-to-day operations of Zeta Psi. Because of your support through initiatives like the 1847 Pledge, Zeta Psi is able to work intimately with chapters on a one-on-one basis and provide invaluable education consulting services with emphasis on continuous improvement. These funds help support our Regional Education Consultant programs, chapter visits, staffing costs, upkeep of the international headquarters, and logistical overhead. Zeta Psi continues to operate, especially as we help our chapters operate remotely, so this initiative is vital.
Where do I send my check?
This campaign is an on-line campaign. If you’d prefer not to use our secure online payment system, please contact Barth Gillan for more details on how to participate.
Is it only open to American Brothers?
No. Zeta Psi has championship belts awarded to top chapters in five categories: Top American Chapter, Top Canadian Chapter, Top European Chapter, Top Young Chapter, and Overall Champion.
Why should I participate?
To show your pride in Zeta Psi, knowing that you will be ensuring that great leadership training is made available to all Zetes.
No, really, why should I participate?
Thanks to the donation of one dedicated Elder we can offer some cash incentives to the Chapters that are the first ones to hit certain benchmarks throughout the campaign.
And, if that isn’t enough, there are some awesome championship belts given to the Overall Champion and the Division Champions so that they can brag in true WWE fashion.
Past Champions
- Top Overall Chapter: Pi Tau Chapter (WPI)
- Top American Chapter: Pi Chapter (RPI)
- Top Canadian Chapter: Alpha Theta Chapter (University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier)
- Top European Chapter: Theta Omicron Chapter (Trinity College, Dublin)
- Top Young Chapter: Theta Psi Chapter (Queen’s University)
- Top Overall Chapter: Psi Chapter (Cornell University)
- Top American Chapter: Pi Tau Chapter (WPI)
- Top Canadian Chapter: Alpha Psi Chapter (McGill University)
- Top Young Chapter: Delta Chi Chapter (American University)
- Top Overall Chapter: Beta Tau Chapter (Tulane University)