The Zeta Psi Heritage Society

The Heritage Society is the planned giving society for Zeta Psi.  Members of the Heritage Society can support Zeta Psi Fraternity, Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, the Zeta Psi Foundation of Canada, and hopefully soon our activities internationally.

The Heritage Society was founded in 1997 with 150 inaugural members who were welcomed during the 150th anniversary celebration at the Convention in New York City.  The Heritage Society now has over 500 members, over 400 of whom are still living, coming from the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, and France.  The only requirement to be a member is to be committed to the future of Zeta Psi.


Member Benefits

Every member is provided with a Heritage Society pin, in the form of our logo.  It is common to see these pins at the annual Convention and other formal gatherings of Brothers.  As we confirm the intentions of members, we will also provide them with a certificate to celebrate their membership.  There is an exclusive cocktail for members and prospective members at the convention each year.  And, during this pandemic era, we have been holding a series of Zoom events for members, showcasing the talents and experiences of Zetes in such areas as finances, COVID-19 frontline experiences, wine tasting, and candid interviews with some of our more famous members.


Become a Member

There are many different ways to become a member.  The most common ways are:

  • Bequest: Include a provision in your will (or add a codicil to an existing will) to leave a specified dollar amount or per centage of your estate to Zeta Psi. Sometimes other valuable non-cash assets can also be bequeathed to Zeta Psi (NOTE: the Fraternity always welcomes the return of a Brother’s badge rather than it ending up on eBay).
  • Insurance: Dedicating a new policy, or repurposing an existing policy, are simple ways to have a significant impact on Zeta Psi. If Zeta Psi is made the owner and beneficiary of the policy your annual premium payments will also be tax deductible.
  • Trusts: There are many different trust vehicles to be considered if one’s estate is a little more complex. This can be a great way to take care of surviving family members before ultimately providing a gift to Zeta Psi.
  • Gifts of Securities: If you have securities that have appreciated significantly in value consider donating them to Zeta Psi. The tax-exempt status of the Foundations in the US and in Canada will enable you to make a larger gift without having to pay capital gains tax.

For more information about any of these ways of becoming a member of the Heritage Society, and the impact that they might have on your estate plans, please fill out the Heritage Society Enquiries Form below.

If you have already made plans for Zeta Psi please contact Barth Gillan to confirm your intentions and we will be happy to welcome you into the Heritage Society.

Zeta Psi is pleased to welcome to the newest members of the Heritage Society, who joined in 2021:

Oluwole Arisekola, Iota Omicron/Oxford ‘16

André Boudreault, Alpha Psi/McGill ‘87

Joshua Muscat, Gamma Psi/Guelph ‘16

Philip Paschali, Alpha Theta/Waterloo ‘18

Adam Peterson, Alpha Epsilon/Illinois ‘21

Stephen Poole, Alpha Psi/McGill ‘84

Lance Whissell*, Mu Theta/Alberta ‘85

Donald Young*, Rho/Middlebury ‘57

*Installed posthumously

Remembering the members of the Heritage Society who left us in 2021:

Bruce Eckstein, Nu/Case Western Reserve 1960

Gregory (Plezia) Decz, Xi/Michigan 1996

William Schubert, Sigma Zeta/UCLA 1965

Andrew B. Smith, Iota Delta/California-Davis 1985

Lance Whissell*, Mu Theta/Alberta 1985

Donald Young*, Rho/Middlebury 1957

*Installed posthumously

Form to declare interest in joining the Heritage Society. Replies are sent to Barth Gillan, who will get in touch as soon as possible.

Please include country codes if outside the US
Please include country codes if outside the US