
The following individuals and chapters have won and been presented their awards at the 175th Annual Convention in Brooklyn, NY.


Individual awards

AwardWinner(s)Chapter and Class Year
Distinguished Service Barth GillanAlpha Psi '85
Distinguished Service Andrew NunezIota Alpha '94
Red Grange Sportsman of the Year James GreigTheta Xi '23
James J. Carey Leadership Bill 'Landru' McKnightTheta Xi '80
Douglas P. Donaldson Young Alumni of the Year Christopher ArnoldTheta Eta '11
Henry Elliot Volunteer of the YearGregory E. McElroyPhi '70
Phi Alpha Service Ronald J. CassNu '84
President of the Educational Foundation ServiceThomas P. Roerden
David Busacca
Psi '83
Alumni Advisor of the YearEvan Doyle Pi Tau '13
George S. Woodhull Adam Fahnestock
Michael Walker
Austin James Parker
Jack Kessler
Aidan Desjardins
Alpha Epsilon '23
Beta Delta
Zeta Tau '22
Theta Omicron
Arthur Red Motley
Derian Trahan
Matthew Schoenfield
Kyle N. Walker
Robert Baer
Katie Schremp
Iota Alpha '20
Tau '20
Tau Gamma '19
Tau '78
Kappa Delta Sorority


Chapter awards

John Birchfield CommunicationAlpha Epsilon (University of Illinois)
William R. DuryeeGamma Epsilon (Georgetown University)
Silver Chapter EscutcheonAlpha Mu (Dalhousie University)
Zeta Tau (Michigan State University)
Gold Chapter EscutcheonTheta Xi (University of Toronto)
Bronze ChaptersGamma Epsilon (Georgetown University)
Tau Theta (University of Ontario, Institute of Technology)
Pi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Nu Delta (Marist University)
Kappa Phi (Cooper Union)
Silver ChaptersZeta Tau (Michigan State University)
Beta Delta (University of Arizona)
Theta Eta (Brock University)
Omicron (Nebraska Wesleyan University)
Theta Omicron (Trinity College, Dublin)
Gold ChaptersRho Alpha (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alpha Epsilon (University of Illinois)
Gregory E. McElroy Chapter of the YearPhi Lambda (University of Washington)
William A. Comstock Theta Omicron (Trinity College, Dublin)